How do I help an over stimulated dog recalibrate to calm?
You share in that energy with them. You invite them to give some to you. And you take it in and let it go because you have the tools to do so. And in doing so, you set an example for the dog to do the same. When you share that energy, it’s easier for a dog to allow it to dissipate because it’s dispersed. The energy is not as concentrated and intense. Energy gets concentrated when a dog is repeatedly not allowed to explore it and is asked instead to hold onto it. We do this to our people and family and friends too because when our loved ones feel uncomfortable, it makes us extra uncomfortable because we love them so much and don’t want to watch them suffer. We hurry them over it, make decisions, and take action for them because we think we are helping.
What sometimes seems harder, but is truly the loving choice, is to sit there with them and feel that discomfort with them until the energy is dispersed and we can move away from it. That’s empathy. And turning our empathy into compassion is an art. Compassion is, from empathy, guiding them into the next steps. Where do we go now, together? It’s easier with a friend. But you can do it alone too once someone teaches you.